Computer, Intelligence and Media Technology, Iwate University
Published Papers
Naranchimeg Usukhbayar , Akio Kimura, Peng Jiang, Takamitsu Tanaka, A Spatial Comparison of Tool-Free Assembly Domes and Gers Using 360-Degree Video, International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design, Vol. 28, Issue. 4, pp.63-72 (2024) DOI:
Jirarit Jirasukprasert, Akio Kimura, Satoshi Mikami, Takamitsu Tanaka, Enhancing icon communication of emergency notification messages on smartphones, International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.53-62 (2024) DOI:
Tanzila Islam, Chyon Hae Kim, Hiroyoshi Iwata, Hiroyuki Shimono, Akio Kimura, DeepCGP: A Deep Learning Method to Compress Genome-Wide Polymorphisms for Predicting Phenotype of Rice, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Volume: 20, Issue: 3, 01 May-June 2023 (2023) DOI:
Xin LU, Tsutomu KINOSHITA, Akio KIMURA, Kouichi KONNO, Quantitative Evaluation of Archaeological Classification Based on Facial Similarity of Haniwa Models, Japan Association for Archaeoinformatics, Vol. 28, No.1-2, pp.1-11 (2023)
Xin LU, Chunyuan LI, Tsutomu KINOSHITA, Akio KIMURA, Kouichi KONNO, A Study on 3D Face Similarity by Point Cloud Based Metric for Japanese Terracotta Figurines (Haniwa), The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol.19, No.3, pp.25-39 (2020)
Xin LU, Daiki SHIROSAWA, Akio KIMURA [J] An Improvement of Image Recognition Performance Using Ensemble Learning for Conventional HOG Features Calculated with Different Sizes of Cell and Block, Trans. of IIEEJ, Vol.49, No.2, pp.128-135 (2020)
Suleiman MUSTAFA, Akio KIMURA An Ensemble Approach to Precancerous Cervical Lesion Classification from Cervigram Images, IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, Vol.7, No.1, pp.24-35 (2019)
Akio KIMURA, Usuke UCHISAWA, Ryo NARITA 3D measurements from a single uncalibrated image based on estimating space planes using geometrical clues in real scenes, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol.15, No.1, pp.20-31 (2016)
Akio KIMURA, Kazushi TOYOMANE, and Takashi WATANABE Affine-invariant 2D shape detection based on affine-invariant ratio of line segments and least-squares method, Trans. of IIEEJ, Vol.42, No.4, pp.536-545 (2013)
Akio KIMURA, Takuya ENDO, and Takashi WATANABE [J] An Efficient Coding Scheme for a Bi-level Boundary Image using Statistical Characteristics of Subtracted Chain Codes, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J93-A, No.3, pp.229-234 (2010)
Akio KIMURA, Takeshi AKETO, and Takashi WATANABE [J] An Effective Extraction Method of Tangent Information from Boundary Images, Trans. of IIEEJ, Vol.34, No.1, pp.27-35 (2005)
Akio Kimura and Takashi Watanabe Generalized Hough Transform to Be Extended as an Affine-Invariant Detector of Arbitrary Shapes, Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, Vol.87, No.6, pp.58-68 (2004)
Akio Kimura, Kazushi Itaya, and Takashi Watanabe Structural Pattern Recognition of Biological Textures with Growing Deformations: A Case of Cattle’s Muzzle Patterns, Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, Vol.87, No.5, pp.54-66 (2004)
Takashi WATANABE, Takashi SASAKI, and Akio KIMURA [J] An Improvement of the Optimal Filter ISEF for Edge Detection, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J87-DII, No.3, pp.914-918 (2004)
Akio KIMURA, Kazushi ITAYA, and Takashi WATANABE [J] Structural Pattern Recognition of Biological Textures with Growing Deformations: A Case of Cattle’s Muzzle Patterns, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J85-DII, No.8, pp.1320-1331 (2002)
Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE [J] Generalized Hough Transform to Be Extended as an Affine-Invariant Detector of Arbitrary Shapes, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J84-DII, No.5, pp.789-798 (2001)
Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE [J] Fast Generalized Hough Transform that Improves its Robustness of Shape Detection, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J83-DII, No.5, pp.1256-1265 (2000)
Takashi WATANABE, Masamitsu HATAKEYAMA, and Akio KIMURA [J] Extraction of Tangent Information and Detection of Broken Ellipses Using Hough Transform, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J82-DII, No.12, pp.2221-2229 (1999)
Takashi WATANABE, Zenichi YAMAMOTO, Hideshi ABE, and Akio KIMURA [J] Global Restoration of Topographic Contour Image by Using Extended Voronoi Diagram, Theory and Applications of GIS, Vol.6, No.2, pp.23-31 (1998)
Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE [J] Fast Generalized Hough Transform -Rotation, Scale and Translation Invariant Detection of Arbitrary Shapes-, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J81-DII, No.4, pp.726-734 (1998)
Syuji Horiki, Takashi Watanabe, Akio Kimura, and Norio Tayama Improvement of Combinatorial Hough Transform to Compensate Sampling Errors of Digital Lines, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.29, No.2, pp.57-67 (1998)
Syuji Horiki, Takashi WATANABE, Akio KIMURA, and Norio TAYAMA [J] Improvement of Combinatorial Hough Transform to Compensate Sampling Errors of Digital Lines, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J78-DII, No.12, pp.1767-1776 (1995)
Akio Kimura, Seiji Kumagai, Yoshihiro Kaneko, Yoshito Ikeda, and Masatoshi Hayakawa, [J] A study of the recording characteristics of magnetic heads by numerical computation, Journal of Magnetics Society of Japan, Vol. 19, No. S2, pp.48-51 (1995)
Akio KIMURA, Takashi WATANABE, Norio TAYAMA, and Ryuzo YOKOYAMA [J] On the Effectiveness of Combinatorial Hough Transform for Ellipse Detection Problem, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J77-DII, No.12, pp2379-2383 (1994)
Takashi WATANABE, Akio KIMURA, Sumio TANBA, Ryuzo YOKOYAMA [J] Detection of Broken Ellipses by Li-Lavin-Le Master’s Fast Hough Transform, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J76-DII, No.12, pp2504-2512 (1993)
International Conference
Yunan Wang, Akio Kimura, Peng Jiang and Takamitsu Tanaka Effects of Emoji as a Visual Symbolic Tool on the Readability in E-label Information of Over-the-counter medications International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design 2024 (ADADA+CUMULUS 2024), 6 pages (Tainan, Taiwan) [Excellent Presentation Award]
Yoshitaka Sasaki, Akio Kimura, Xin Lu and Kouichi Konno An approach to Haniwa face similarity evaluation using 2D images derived from 3D measurement points International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2024, 6 pages (Langkawi-city, Malaysia)
Takeru Fujisawa, Mengbo You, Akio Kimura, Xin Lu, Kouichi Konno A Study on Automatic Facial Parts Extraction for Evaluating Facial Similarity of Haniwa International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2024, 4 pages (Langkawi-city, Malaysia)
Hirofumi Hayasaka and Akio Kimura A training data augmentation approach using GAN for learning of tactile paving images International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2023, 6 pages (Jeju-city, Korea and Online Hybrid)
Tetsu Okamoto, Akio Kimura, Hiroyuki Shimono, Koji Harashina and Kiyohito Yamamoto 3D Reconstruction of Rice Plant Community Using Spectral Images with a Goal of Making Rice Breeding Efficient International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2023, 6 pages (Jeju-city, Korea and Online Hybrid)
Kenta Takano, Xin Lu, Chunhong Yuan and Akio Kimura Freshness prediction for seafood using deep neural network International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2023, 6 pages (Jeju-city, Korea and Online Hybrid)
Ryosuke Namioka, Tsutomu Kinoshita, Xin Lu, Akio Kimura and Kouichi Konno A Study on Automatic Face Parts Extraction for Evaluating Face Similarity of Haniwa Based on 3D Measured Point Clouds International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2023, 6 pages (Jeju-city, Korea and Online Hybrid)
Ruosuke Namioka, Tsutomu Kinoshita, Xin Lu, Akio Kimura and Kouichi Konno Study on Facial Part Extraction for Face Similarity Evaluation of Japanese Terracotta Figurines (Haniwa) from 3D Point Cloud International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2022, 4 pages (Kowloon-city, Hong-Kong: Online Hybrid)
Tanzila Islam, Chyon Hae Kim, Hiroyoshi Iwata, Hiroyuki Shimono, Akio Kimura, Hein Zaw, Chitra Raghavan, Hei Leung and Rakesh Kumar Singh A Deep Learning Method to Impute Missing Values and Compress Genome-wide Polymorphism Data in Rice 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics, Models, Methods and Algorithms 2021 (BIOINFORMATICS 2021), 8 pages (Online Conference) [Best Poster Award]
Galaa Gerelttulga and Akio Kimura An approach with CNN to unsafe manhole classification for visually impaired people, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2021, 6 pages (Kagoshima-city, Japan: Online Conference)
Haruka KUROSE and Akio KIMURA An approach to metric rectification using sequential estimation of spatial adjacent planes appeared in single view image, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2020, 6 pages (Yogyakarta-city, Indonesia)
Ren SATO and Akio KIMURA A simple refinement for depth information predicted with DNN, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2020, 6 pages (Yogyakarta-city, Indonesia)
Xin Lu, Chunyuan Li, Tsutomu Kinoshita, Akio Kimura and Kouichi Konno A Study on 3D Face Similarity by Point Cloud Based Metric for Japanese Terracotta Figurines (Haniwa), NICOGRAPH 2019, 7 pages (Nagoya-city, Japan) [Best Paper Award]
Suleiman Mustafa and Akio Kimura An Ensemble Classification of Useful Melanoma Image Features, NICOGRAPH International 2019, 4 pages (Yangling, Shaanxi, China)
Xin Lu, Chunyuan Li, Tsutomu Kinoshita, Akio Kimura and Kouichi Konno 3D Face Alignment for Japanese Terracotta Figurines (Haniwa), NICOGRAPH International 2019, 4 pages (Yangling, Shaanxi, China)
Naoki DEGAWA and Akio KIMURA A performance improvement of Mask R-CNN using region proposal expansion, The 2019 Joint International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) and International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), 6 pages (Singapole-city, Singapole)
Suleiman MUSTAFA and Akio KIMURA A SVM-based diagnosis of melanoma using only useful image features, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2018, 4 pages (Chiang-Mai-city, Thailand)
Kouta YAMADA and Akio KIMURA A performance evaluation of keypoints detection methods SIFT and AKAZE for 3D reconstruction, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2018, 4 pages (Chiang-Mai-city, Thailand)
Toshihiro IWABUCHI and Akio KIMURA An improved method for extracting tangent information from a binary edge image, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2017, 4 pages (Penang-city, Malaysia)
Daiki SHIROSAWA, Lu XIN, and Akio KIMURA A performance evaluation of variation-HOG descriptor for human face detection, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2017, 4 pages (Penang-city, Malaysia)
Takafumi KONNO and Akio KIMURA 3D reconstruction from a video taken by low-priced drone quadrotor using outlier-less estimation of corresponding feature points, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2016, 4 pages (Busan-city, Korea)
Toshihiro IWABUCHI and Akio KIMURA Extracting tangent information directly from a binary edge image and its application to broken ellipses detection, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2016, 4 pages (Busan-city, Korea)
Lu XIN, Daiki SHIROSAWA, and Akio KIMURA Fusion and Learning of Local Features with Different Variations for Face Detection, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2016, 2 pages (Busan-city, Korea)
Ryo NARITA, Akio KIMURA A single uncalibrated image-based 3D measurements using estimation of space planes, NICOGRAPH International 2015, pp.29-36 (Setagaya-ku, Japan)
Michio YAGIHASHI, Akio KIMURA Parallelization of combinatorial image processing using GPU, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2013, pp.1176-1183 (Nagoya-city, Japan)
Yu KIKUCHI, Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE A Study on Parallelization of Digital Image Processing using MPICH, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2010, 6 pages (Kuala Lumpur-city, Malaysia)
Kimihito SUGIYAMA, Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE A Study on Parallel Image Processing System using Compact and Battery-Friendly Cluster PC, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2010, 6 pages (Kuala Lumpur-city, Malaysia)
Daisuke SUZUKI, Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE A Robust Digital Image Watermarking Method Based on Singular Value Decompositon and Discrete Cosine Transform, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2008, 6 pages (Hsinchu-city, Taiwan)
Takashi HATA, Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE A Deformable Matching of 2-D Boundary Shapes using Wavelet Transform, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2007, pp.88-93 (Bangkok-city, Thailand)
Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE A Flexible Graph Matching-Based Approach to Recognize Cattle Muzzle Patterns with Growing Deformations, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2006, pp.661-666 (Naha-city, Japan)
Chihiro MATSUURA, Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE An Efficient Edge Detection from Noisy Images using Wavelet Transform, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2006, pp.623-628 (Naha-city, Japan)
Akio KIMURA and Takashi WATANABE, An Extension of the Generalized Hough Transform to Realize Affine-Invariant Two-dimensional(2D) Shape Detection, 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol.I: Monday, August 12, 2002, pp.65-69 (Quebec city, Canada)